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Grain Safe Storage Conditions (1)

Nov.20, 2007Ключевые слова:Grain Safe Storage,Grain Safety Moisture,Grain Drying

1. Clean and sanitary
Keeping grain cleaning is very good for the grain safe storage. After grain harvest, the grain needs to be cleaned and remove the impurities in grains and try best to reduce the sundries like grass seed, crushing grain, shriveled grain, soil particles and stone chips and pests etc. Because complete and healthy grain with strong vitality, and a certain degree of resistance to insects and mildew, and damaged unhealthy grains not with such resistance, easy to absorb moisture and damp, breeding pests, grow mold, so there is more grain damage, impurities, and high moisture, which will cause a favorable environment for mildew. And the healthy and clean grain can reduce or avoid such adverse custody factors. So the grain container clean and sanitation is also very important. Because if the container is not clean, the residual food, impurities, pests will naturally contaminate the grain, and make the grain insects and mildew, so we must carefully clean all containers to load grain and deliver the grains, remove the inside residual grain, impurities, pests and other debris.
2. Dry
Dry grain is the priority to store the grain. The dry grain is easy to store, and not so easy to insects and mildew, also can delay the aging effect, reduce losses, maintain grain nutrition and quality. The wet food is easy to hygiene raw moldy degeneration, or even completely not be used. In order to ensure grain security, rural households grain should be stored as far as possible after drying.

The dry degree of grain is indicated with grain moisture, the grain is wet when moisture is big, and grain is dry when moisture is low. The grain moisture can be measured by scientific instruments - grain moisture analyzer, generally the experienced personnel, such as quality inspection personnel of national grain depot, they can also be more accurately estimate the moisture content of grain by clutching and biting.

When the moisture content of the grain is reduced to the extent that it can be safely stored under normal storage conditions, we call it moisture-safe. Under the condition of actual grain storage, there is only one standard of water security for each kind of grain, that is, under the condition of normal storage; it can also guarantee the grain security through the highest temperature of summer. See as followed table of safety moisture of various kinds of grains.

Grains Safety Moisture (%) Grains Safety Moisture (%)
Indica Rice <13 Soybean <12
Japonica Rice <14 Rice <13
Wheat <12.5 Rapeseed <9
Maize/Corn <12.5 Peanut <10
Sorghum <13 Peanut Kernel <8
Millet <12 Sesame <8
Broad Beanza <12 Cottonseed <12

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